Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Turning Four

Alex turned 4 on October 24th. What an event. Grandma even got to fly in all the way from Canada for the big event. This is Alex's How to Train Your Dragon cake, made by my good friend Sheila. She did a fantastic job, I know it took her a long time but Toothless' face came out so cute, it looked just like him. Alex loved it. We celebrated his birthday with his friends at The Cedar Rock Railroad in Leander. We had a bagel and donut breakfast and then all walked over to the train. I didn't realize that the train tunnel was decorated for Halloween with some pretty scary characters, I think some of the little ones got a fright!


Three Men and a Little Crazy said...

What a fun party--you did such a great job! Breakfast, cute cake, train ride...LOVE IT! Alex is a lucky little boy!!!

Girly Girl said...

Great party for a great boy!!! We are so happy that we could be a part of such an awesome day! Thanks!