Tuesday, April 28, 2009


It has been a very rainy and overcast week in Georgetown. With a 2 year old that has a lot of energy to burn off we had to think of something to get him active-BOWLING. We went to Mel's in Georgetown and put on our bowling shoes-they even had little ones for Alex. He got his own ball, his ramp to roll the ball down and bumpers to insure no gutter balls (mum could have done with one too). He really enjoyed it, didn't think too much of taking or waiting for his turn, but overall enjoyed it. He actually beat both Jay and myself. After we got tokens to play in the game room which I think he liked even more than the bowling. He played skeet ball and a couple other games too. When we got home he napped for 3 and half hours!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

School Carnival

I live for these things. I know most parents probably dread them but I love volunteering to man a game and the crappy food and the small talk you do with other parents and chasing a very rambunctious two year old around. I love seeing Alex with his friends and meeting their parents and hear that their child always talks about Alexander and says he is their best friend. I love hearing the teachers tell me what a nice boy Alex is when they see him on the playground and how sometimes he just walks around observing everything rather than participate. I loved trying hopelessly to talk Alex into going in the bounch house. I didn't love seeing Alex get bitten by fire ants, but that was the only not so fun thing about this carnival.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Alex and I made pizza for dinner tonight. He really did an awesome job. Now I can add pizza making to his repertoire that also includes egg cracking and licking the brownie bowl.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bubbles with Auntie Dee

Alex loves his Auntie Dee. She spoils him. He loved the big bubble blower that she bought-it made really big bubbles. It was kind of addicting and therapeutic at the same time. We all had a turn blowing bubbles.

Easter Egg Hunt in LC

Grandma put together an egg hunt for Alex in the front yard of her house. He bypassed all the real eggs that were hid and went straight to the chocolate filled eggs-smart boy.

Bunny Chasing

Grandma and Grandpa's neighbours had two pet bunnies that Alex made his mission to try and catch. I managed to catch one, but Alex had no luck at all. He did feed them lots of carrots and other bits and pieces. Every waking hour he wanted to go see the bunnies. So much to do at grandmas. He loved feeding Grandpa's fish too. I hope all the wildlife has survived Alex's visit.

Easter in Las Cruces

This year we spent Easter with Grandma and Grandpa Meyer in Las Cruces along with all of Alex's aunts and uncles, and great grandpa too. Someone sure got SPOILED. We left right after Alex got out of school and drove straight through. We arrived in LC about 10:30 NM time. Alex did superb on the trip and didn't cry or fuss once. We have the DVD player to thank for that. We made one pit stop at McD's for dinner and a walk for Sydney but other than that didn't stop at all. Very different from some of the trips we have made. I think Alex actually enjoyed the trip, he even had a ten minute laughing fit, which was hilarious. He was really looking forward to seeing Rae and Riley and the rest of the dogs.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Easter Tea

Alex and I hosted some of his friends over for a Easter Tea party. We colored and decorated eggs, dressed in the bunny costume and had an Easter egg hunt in the front yard. We had finger sandwiches, yummy fruit and veggies, cheese and crackers, cupcakes, and cookies.

The Easter Bunny visits the Rec Center

These were taken at the Rec Center right before Easter. The bunny came to the sitter room and surprised all the kids and the teachers too. The bunny started handing out candy and Alex got the first piece, however the teacher I guess had not given the okay for the bunny to do this so she came running over to Alex to retrieve the candy and Alex quickly hid it in his pocket and wouldn't return it. Way to go Alex, she eventually gave up and confiscated the candy basket from the bunny. I think the look on Alex's face is pure relief that he managed to get a candy and at the same time he is thinking "who the heck is this guy dressed as a bunny". He did look quite strange.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


It was difficult this year finding a good bluebonnet patch as this area is in a drought right now and they haven't come out like they have in recent years. We found a little patch by his school that got the job done. They really are beautiful especially when you find a lot of them together.