Since Jay has been put onto the back end of the week at Samsung I now find myself with Alex every Saturday without Daddy. Saturday is my 5 K day, so Alex is now my race partner and he absolutely loves it. He asks me all the time when our next race is and "should we win this time". Well if it were only that easy to win!!. He usually sits in the jogger yelling at me to "Go faster Mum, go faster". That's all the motivation I need to go as fast as I can which pushing a 30 pounder is usually not very fast. We managed to take second place twice and several PR's-he's my lucky charm for sure. I was very happy today to break 30 doing Vern's No Frills at Berry Springs Park, which was not easy on a loop trail run with over 200 people. I have recently starting getting the t-shirt they give you for entering to Alex (if they have extra small) and he is so proud of his little t-shirts. Our Saturday morning races together have been so meaningful and memorable for me in so many ways-I hope that when he is older he will look back fondly on these times as well.
These are some pictures of the donkeys at the park today. He loves to feed them and is becoming more brave about actually letting the donkeys eat from his hand. When we first started coming out to this park he wouldn't even go near them. The first picture is kind of neat because the camera captures the carrot being thrown through the air to the donkey by Alex.
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